LOs_and_Metanoia - "Good Enough" LO27067

From: Magic Circ Op Rep Ens (mcore@nyc.rr.com)
Date: 07/26/01

Replying to LO27027 --

That depends upon whether you are talking about "understand" or
intellectual knowledge or "performance knowledge." Understand is new
while performance knowledge is layered and cannot be learned without
sufficient synergistic comprehension already in place. That is the
knowledge of performing artists and Learning Organizations i.e. the
"knowing" in a group that Senge talks about in the 5th Discipline and
Donald Schoen wrote brilliantly about in his "Reflective Practitioner"
series. Also it is my understanding of the writings of both Martin Buber
and Kahlil Gibran when they write a education. My teacher used to say
forty years ago that the teacher only brings the student to the door of
their own knowledge quicker and deeper than they would have made the
knowledge conscious themselves. The key word is conscious. That being the
case, reading becomes a form of que for remembering processes that already
are in place in the reader at the time. i.e. if you don't speak French
already, a French novel won't make much sense.

Ray Evans Harrell, artistic director and master teacher
The Magic Circle Opera Repertory Ensemble, Inc.

>From: <Sensaru@aol.com>
> one cannot learn something you already know.


"Magic Circ Op Rep Ens" <mcore@nyc.rr.com>

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