Organisational Behaviour LO27082

From: Gavin Ritz (
Date: 07/30/01

Replying to LO27052 --

Hi Hamidali and At

> >Differentiate between content and process theories of motivation?
> For me "having enough free energy F for a particular change" and
> motivation is one and the same thing! With this I want to stress four
> things. Firstly, motivation must focus on a particular process and its
> structural outcome. Secondly, having not enough motivation is just as
> tragic as having no motivation at all. Thirdly, motivation applies only to
> spontaneous behaviors (changes). Fouthly, after having used up the
> motivation for a particular change, motivation has to be regained for the
> next particular change.

LO's have not taken into account the process and content theories at all
and in my opinion is one of its major weaknesses.

This has been one of my focuses over the years and you may down load a
paper I wrote for the ninth world conference on Thinking (just above my
name) tackling this very issue. I have basically combined both the content
and process theories with a multi disciplinary approach to this issue. The
formula that I have come out with fits into complexity theory and has
specific form and content. The form and content being [input (attraction),
need, hope]- transition, transformation, pump- [output, pressure, fear,
pain]. This form is the primordial form of all living or inanimate things
in the universe and takes into account even antimatter e.g.. matter
(life)-transition-antimatter (death).

This formula can account for all wholes, and is the major indication of
the driver of industrial effort. Over the years I have profiled more than
one thousand people with a 99% face validity. In the last month I have
done a profile (motivational) for one of New Zealand's most famous brands
and once again the profile was accurate to the degree that it highlighted
the owners own psychological values and further to the degree that it
highlighted one of his main motives to become an All Black (rugby player)
and some of the key issues that has shaped his life.

All organizations that I have profiled over the years have a particular
motivational (algedonic) pattern that both hinders (pushes) and drives
(pulls) them. This pattern overrides all other patterns and I believe is
the meta pattern that creates behaviour. I have used NLP behavioral
patterns (meta programs) to check the motivational model and there is a
very good correlation. (actually about 0.9).



Gavin Ritz <>

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