dear fellow listmembers,
Deloitte Research published at their site in the series e-Views in April
of this year an interesting whitepaper titled: From e-Learning to
Enterprise Learning: Becoming a Strategic Learning Organization This is
the excerpt that goes with it:
eLearning is fast becoming the enterprise initiative of fashion. How can a
company know whether it should be urgently developing an eLearning
strategy - or whether it has the luxury of time? This Deloitte Research
eView examines the critical issues facing companies as they weigh
alternative approaches to strategic learning and eLearning investments. It
provides corporate decision makers with an effective approach to plan and
implement eLearning initiatives and includes specific recommendations for
assessing the organizational, process, content and technology issues at
One can view or download the complete report at the Deloitte Research site
Best Regards,
Gerrit Visser,
--"Gerrit Visser" <>
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