Replying to LO27216 --
Dear Organlearners,
Leo Minnigh <> writes:
>In short - my proposal for a new ESC: "thought - structuring"
>is possibly the very first ESC in the evolution of ESC's.
>Since it falls in the very beginning of all ESC's, it may be
>the reason that we have overseen this one. Why do I think
>that 'thought-structuring' is the mother of all next
>ESC-emergences? Probably the clearest reason lies in the
>whole movie of your contribution. That contribution is one
>large example of the structured way of the discoveries of
>all following ESC's.
Greetings dear Leo,
I would very much like to agree with you. However, as I have written
before, it is very difficult for me to make a convincing conclusion
whenever I have to decide whether an Elementary Organiser (EO) is and ESC
(Elementary Sustainer of Creativity).
One thing which the five ESCs have in common, is that they afford us
through sensations contact with the "world-outside-us". Hence they help us
to advance in inner emergences such as experential -, tacit - and formal
knowledge. Your "structuring-thoughts" as an EO do not afford us contact
with the world outside us trough our five phsyical sense organs. On the
other hand, it affords us contact whith the "world-inside-us". But through
what "spiritual sense organ" does this happen? I have no idea.
>Possibly, the most intriguing part of all is your
>prerequisite that an ESC should also be present
>in the minds of animals. A 'logic' prerequisite,
>since you have always argued that creativity is
>not limited to human beings. Although logic, it
>was for me an eye-opener.
Dear Leo, I was actually laughing aloud when reading this the first time.
I did not laugh at you, but at myself. There was not much conventional
logic (that which, for example, mathematicians use) in my thinking on
Now, long afterwards, I can see a strange "logic" in these ESCs which have
to involve other animals too rather than merely humans. It is the "logic"
of the 7Es (seven essentialities of creativity) -- liveness, sureness,
wholeness, fruitfulness, spareness, otherness and openness. By including
the manifestion of an EO among some animals before it can qualify as an
ESC, a very high premium is placed upon the 7Es in an ESC. This is most
When a person makes use of an ESC, it may often be in an impaired manner.
Anybody who then acts as a steward/coach/facilitator/teacher for a person
using an ESC, may then use the this impaired manner to identify which of
the 7Es were impaired. Then, without even formally identifying the 7Es,
the steward can help through that very ESC the person to improve upon the
impaired 7Es.
At the Gold Fields Computer Centre where I work, there is also a Science
Discovery Centre (SDC). It can be described as a sort of "hands on
museum/laboratory" in the major natural sciences for any visitor. The
visitors range from small pre-school children up to retired pensioners.
Sometimes I have to help out at the SDC when a group of visitors become to
large to handle.
When a group of visitors arrives, it takes them about half an hour to
become used to the SDC. It is then when the watchful onlooker can make
stunning observations on how the each visitor employ the ESCs. One such a
stunning observation is the great ease with which they shift from one ESC
to another at one and the same "exhibit". Perhaps the most interesting
"exhibit" for me is an appartus with two pendulums at right angles which
is used for drawing Lejassous (I am not sure of the spelling) figures. All
five ESCs are often here in action.
Another stunning observation is how the group of visitors interact through
these ESCs with the "exhibits", depending on the community from which they
come from. When they come from a community much disadvantaged, they will
use the five ESCs merely to generate sensations and experiences. When they
come from an advanced community, they will use the five ESCs to manifest
their tacit knowledge and sometimes even formal knowledge.
>So a question to answer is:
>"is thought-structuring present in the animale world?"
This is indeed one mighty question.
>I hope you (plural) are satisfied with my thoughts
>and I hope I have wrote (result of my thinking)
>these in a structured way.
Dear Leo, there is not doubt about that. The reason why I articulated
so literally the structuring of my own thoughts on ESCs the past thity
years, was not to impress anybody, but to help some fellow learners
who I know have become very interested in Goethe's way of "Steigerung"
thinking (something which I used to call moncat thinking). I am today
pretty sure of one thing:
. one-to-many-mapping experiences are prerequisite
. to "Steigerung"=staggering="fractalling" in thinking.
I find it most sad that so little "Steigerung"=staggering="fractalling" in
thinking occurs in our modern universities because post graduate students
as well as academical personnel are required to specialise in a particular
discipline. Yet, among many school pupils who visit the SDC, it is still
intact. But I can clearly see what the school system is doing to them.
>From about 10 years and older, this "Steigerung" thinking becomes
gradually less among the pupils.
With care and best wishes
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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