Replying to LO27248 --
John Dicus wrote
> Dear LO Community,
> Please.
> I want to hear your voices.
Dear John, Thanks for your nice story. I nearly decided to skip all the LO
mails since they might be 'faded". During last 2 months, I had some
personal tragedies. I was moved by your mail and I like to share with some
of my notes I did this afternoon with English.
Today we are thinking about Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) and Chuang-tzu as
worldly thinkers. Our speaker reminded us that another important speech of
Heidegger is his 1959 Gelassenheit (letting-be or releasement).
One of the key words of Chuang-tzu is "wandering (or going
rambling)without a destination" or "play or playfulness".
I was thinking about Johan Huizinga's Homo Ludens and his other men of
ideas. I also checked with "The mark of being human is speech and the
ready use of metaphor, and the evolutionary development of this trait is
told , in part, by the history of words. ¡]Lewis Thomas ET CETERA, ET
CETERA¡GNotes of a Word-WatcherBoston¡GLittle Brown and Company,1990,
p.16¡^" By the way, he told us "The Sanscrit sutra originally meant a
string or thread; thus the Kama Sutra was a long string of aphorisms and
rules concerning love."
"The nature of truth, that is of unconcealedness, is dominated through by
a denial... denial in the manner of concealment belongs to unconcealedness
as clearing." ( "The Origin of the Work of Art" in Poetry, Language,
Thought--we don't know what is the meaning of "language" in M. H's context
but it might be a bridge for us to see some hope or possibilities through
(Our speaker mentioned about Meister Eckhart and his metaphor of desert
for rebirth. I thought about At's experience (strangely, I never beening
there but I guessed I "know" what are "desert" means...I don't have time
to read many of his long messages, sorry). We also talked about many
philosophers thinking words and language... The Babels makes our
communications hit-and-miss. ... I was very hesitate to recite Alfred
Tennyson's Charge of the Light Brigade (1854) for Sep. 11th terrible
Best wishes,
Hanching Chung
Taipei, Taiwan.
--demingtw <>
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