I Want To Hear Your Voices LO27275

From: Heidi and Dan Chay (chay@alaska.com)
Date: 09/25/01

Replying to LO27248 --

Hi John,

Here's checking in from Kenai, Alaska, (south-central coast). Autumn
leaves have turned color and are beginning to fall as the days become
cooler. Big tides (20ft+). Today the wind was blowing 20-30kts from the
North. Moose are foraging and ranging more -- hard to keep the cows and
calves out of the garden. Squirrels are storing food, and the rabbits that
frequent our local area are getting bigger. I saw geese flying past
yesterday. Only the people exhibit signs of still coping with world's
recent drama as it continues to unfold in this permutation.

Best wishes,

Dan Chay


"Heidi and Dan Chay" <chay@alaska.com>

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