A friend asks:
>I have been asked by more than one person if I have resources to
>help with issues of Tolerance. It goes beyond the traditional
>diversity discussion and is focused on religious tolerance.
>OD professionals and managers are directly faced with this NOW.
>A professor who teaches with me also asked saying that a student in
>his class wanted to know how to respond to a co-worker who accuses
>him of being involved in the attack because he is a Muslim?
>Any sources for how-to's would be welcomed.
-=- Rick
--Richard Karash ("Rick") | <http://world.std.com/~rkarash> Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer | mailto:Richard@Karash.com "Towards learning organizations" | Host for Learning-Org Discussion (617)227-0106, fax (617)523-3839 | <http://www.learning-org.com>
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