Bill McDonough at MIT -Boston Monday 10/1 LO27317

From: Richard Karash (
Date: 09/28/01

Dear Friends,

This is last minute and a Boston event, but Peter Senge says it's an
important speech. It's open to the public. See below for Peter's note
to me about the talk. I know there are quite a few Boston people on
learning-org who might appreciate knowing about this.

We do intend to make a video and have it on the web, and I'll
announce details of that when available.

   -=- Rick

>Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 10:20:26 -0400
>To: Richard Karash <>
>From: peter senge
>Subject: Re: Monday 10/1 Speech
>The speaker is Bill McDonough, arguably the world's best known "green
>Along with people like Ampry Lovins and Paul Hawken, McDonough has been
>instrumental in contributing many of the ideas and images that guide the
>business and environment movement worldwide, like "the next industrial
>revolution" and the distinction that we need to convert all present waste
>streams into "recycleables, re-manufactuireables, or compositables."
>Bill is the former dean of the U of Virginia School of Architecture and a
>principal in an architectural and product deisgn firms. In addition to his
>architecture work, Bill has worked closely with German chemist Michael
>Braumgart to also pioneer new thinking and innovations in many product
>areas, especially fabrics and related products that unnecessarily involve
>persistent biotoxins.
>Bill's talk is at 4:00PM in Building 10-250 at MIT. The public is invited.
>This will be his first talk at MIT in many years.


Richard Karash ("Rick") | <> Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer | "Towards learning organizations" | Host for Learning-Org Discussion (617)227-0106, fax (617)523-3839 | <>

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