Replying to LO27318 --
We - and i would like to include all sentient beings - live a metaphorical
- sometimes even a rethorical - life and i'll be damned if it isn't
self-referential too. However, i assume that feelings (aka emotions) are
mental activities, like thoughts (aka ideas), rules and principles (aka
ordering) and actions (aka something with an u). Something a colour - like
green - evokes a feeling, a tought - a set of rules and actions: a(n)
eiou. Even when one is blind, there is meaning in colour, because every
mind can handle the metaphore. Some people, i've read, see colours
associated with music or letters. Some stop (an action) for a certain
colour. There is meaning in every eiou - just because we enact the
There is no difference - in my opinion - in dimensions, or, to put the
message in other words, the dimensionality seems fractal, not a whole
number. Perhaps our eiou's are of a pink type: often small and unimportant
, a eiou, sometimes a big and important feeling, A EIOU and every now and
then a larger than life - ... . Perhaps they are white, evenly
distributed, important and unimportant ones; perhaps the are green, green
as grass, newly born, fresh; perhaps they are gray, dull, uninteresting
(is there a smallest uninteresting thought?); perhaps they are Brown,
agitated, confronting ieach other and leading to a random walk in fractal
I do know this: even the smallest / biggest feeling is nothing when not
enacted. Thak you for moving,
Judy Tal wrote:
> Replying to LO26057 --
> dear Jan,
> a strange attractor directed my random walk to a contribution of yours,
> dating back to february 5th (this year):
> > Life moves in spirals, small spirals in our heads and large spirals of
> > clusters of galaxies. I like to think in cycles too, short cycles, long
> > cycles, interacting cycles. Our moving (feeling, thinking, knowing,
> > acting) moves in cycles too and moves us in cycles...
> the cycles wonder from thoughts (ideas) to realizations (rules) and then
> to actions. or, when not in control they skip blue, sometimes.
-- With kind regards - met vriendelijke groeten,Jan Lelie
Drs J.C. Lelie CPIM (Jan) LOGISENS - Sparring Partner in Logistical Development mind@work est. 1998 - Group Resolution Process Support Tel.: (+ 31) (0)70 3243475 or car: (+ 31)(0)65 4685114 and/or taoSystems: + 31 (0)30 6377973 -
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