community of questioning LO27348

From: Malcolm Burson (
Date: 10/04/01

Replying to LO27319 --

On 9/29, Chris Macrae wrote,
> Just actioned something I'd been meaning to do for a long time : an egroup
> on questions
> Primary mode of use for this egroup is less conversational: more an
> opportunity just to copy cuttings to the mailbag any view on questions you
> come across

Chris, I've just returned from the First International Conference on
Appreciative Inquiry (as have, I suspect, some other members of this
list), and if you're not yet familiar with this approach/technology, I
commend it to you for its focus on finding questions to ask that move a
system toward its positive strengths. Some of the "founding members"
(Diana Whitney, David Cooperrider, Amanda Trosten-Bloom and Brian Kaplin)
of AI have recently published the "Encyclopedia of Positive Questions"
(Lakeshore Communications, 24100 Lakeshore Blvd., Euclid, OH 44123; I suspect you'll find much here to add to
your list!

Malcolm Burson
Director of Special Projects
Maine Dept. of Environmental Protection;


"Malcolm Burson" <>

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