Replying to LO27354 --
In a message dated 10/11/01 12:12:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> This is a wild shot, but someone in this group may be able to help. I'm
> searching for a copy of Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis
> by Gibson burrell and Gareth Morgan (1979: Heinemann).
I looked on Amazon and they have it used. Good Luck
Joe DiVincenzo
"When a leader says 'give us your ideas,' but, when you do, he or she says
'no,' it's like driving a 4x4 vehicle through a mountain of cooked
oatmeal. You never hit a wall, but eventually, you come to stop."
-Gordon MacKenzie (business leader/author), "Orbiting the Giant Hairball"
Joe DiVincenzo
1505 Rte 52
Fishkill, NY 12524
fax 5162
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