Monitoring Individual Progress LO27386

From: Sandy Wells (
Date: 10/11/01

Replying to LO27367 --


A process that we have used in our learning lab is to gauge individual
process using behavioral anchors and then to integrate the use of feedback
and personal action planning.

I suggest you take a look at Blake & Mouton's Synergogy, The Essential
Strategy for Education, Training, and Development (1997) , a
re-publication of their seminal work published in '84 with a similar
title: Synergogy, A New Strategy for Education, Training, and
Development. The '84 work was published by Jossey-Bass, the '97 by
Scientific Methods, Inc. I can't say for sure if they are out of print now
but you might try to see if you can find either of them on Amazon or
Barnes & Noble. . .

By the way, years and years ago, Blake and Mouton were pioneers at NTL.
Art Kleiner has an interesting chapter on Grid OD and the use of
behavioral science in changing organizations in his _Age of Heretics_ and
a perspective on B&M at NTL.


Sandy Wells
Wells & Associates
512 327 8095

>Does anyone know of any creative ways to monitor individuals progress in
>a expereintial learning group setting?


"Sandy Wells" <>

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