Research Project LO27389

From: Malcolm Burson (
Date: 10/11/01

Replying to LO27368 --

Replying to LO 27368 --

On October 10, Sarah Erck wrote,

> Also, I have heard rumors that the US Army is attempting to convert into a
> Learning Organization. Does anyone know if this is true? How the hell are
> they planning on doing this?! Do you know where I could find specific
> information?
> And info you might know of would be interesting and helpful. Thanks!

Sarah, I probably won't be the only one to respond, and I don't have
direct experience (although several members of this list do), but you
should check out several sections in "The Dance of Change", especially pp.
470-77, for one of the case examples that has emerged from the US Army in
recent years. This story is also noted in video form in Margaret
Wheatley's film, which I believe is called, "Lessons from the New Science"
or something similar. And if I remember correctly, there have been
several threads on this list over the years which referenced military
applications of LO approaches; perhaps Rick can give you the archives URL.


Malcolm Burson
Director of Special Projects
Maine Dept. of Environmental Protection

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