To Question the Unquestioned. LO27395

From: AM de Lange (
Date: 10/12/01

Replying to LO27382 --

Dear Organlearners,

Bill Hancy <> writes:

>I won't learn from my fears, only from my questions.
>Someone mentioned to me last week that change
>occurs the instant a question is asked.

Greetings dear Bill,

It is so profoundly true that it can be formed into a maxim:
. I won't learn from my fears, only from my questions.
. A change occur in me the instant I ask a question.

Obviously, when we ask questions aloud and someone else listens, that
person may become very annoyed. I think it is because that person do not
want to change self. That person will become offensive to eradicate the
question out of his/her mind.

I shall not forget the day when I became an eternal questioner -- 16
December 1969. I was listening to a politician misusing politics to
mislead his audience. I grabbed the hand of my dear wife and we walked
out, feeling how thousands of pairs of shocked eyes burned into our backs.

When we ask a question to ourselves, we reach into the tacit/implicate
complement of our spirituality with the question coming from our
tangible/explicate complement. This "reach into" is the first change which
triggers many subsequent changes.

There is not such a thing as a false, wrong, bad or ugly question. But not
to ask questions is something else.

>I asked for help from others, some whom I
>had never met. Soon I was able to cry. Soon
>I was able to find the words, and pray. Due to
>recent events, I am certain many others are now
>experiencing that same fate.

Thank you for giving fellow learners this great piece of advice. Poor old
Job of the Old Testament. His friends did not know this advice. So he had
to question himself. In the end his Friend God helped by asking the
questions which Jop needed to ask self.

>Relationships are formed on various levels of
>love and respect. I see love as the glue that
>bonds the relationship together, and respect as
>the boundary that defines the relationship.

Beautifully said. Allow me to add one thing. Respect is cultivated by
creating constructively.

>The more love, the stronger the bond and the weaker, less
>restrictive the boundary.

I will also add that the more pliable, flexible or accomodating is the
boundary. This brings us to the LPC (Law of Pliability of Complixity)
which we some other time may have a LO-dialogue on.
With care and best wishes,


At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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