I was asked:
>I'm taking up a doctoral degree at De La Salle
>University, Taft Manila Philippines.
>I would like to seek help on the instrument I could use for my study
>entitled: "Assessment of leadership behavior of the administrators, and
>teacher skills of the ______ school: A Basis for learning
>organization development program".
I answered:
1) I'm not closely familiar with assessment instruments, but the best
reference I know is DiBella and Nevis...
How Organizations Learn : An Integrated Strategy for Building Learning
Capability (Jossey-Bass Business and Management Series)
by Anthony J. Dibella, Edwin C. Nevis (Contributor)
They propose a framework for learning and then an interview structure for
assessing their learning dimensions. I think the work is solid and Ed
Schein has endorsed it.
2) Also, try the Society for Organizational Learning website...
..There was a significant program on assessment for learning; you can
find materials about this at
..enter the community site and "register"... Then search for "Assessment"
3) Search the learning-org site:
- Go to http://www.google.com
- Click "Advanced Search"
- Place your search terms (e.g. "Assessment") in the first box,
"Find results... with all the words")
- In the "Domains" box enter: www.learning-org.com
- Click "Google Search"
-=- Rick
--Richard Karash ("Rick") | <http://world.std.com/~rkarash> Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer | mailto:Richard@Karash.com "Towards learning organizations" | Host for Learning-Org Discussion (617)227-0106, fax (617)523-3839 | <http://www.learning-org.com>
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