Replying to LO27405 --
Dear Bill, dear At, dear Chris and dear learners,
I've been studying a textual work of Love, both corporeal and spiritual that
was written during four years of war 1940-45 but mainly during the "blitz of
London" where the author was stationed as a part time fireman. In the
footnotes the author leaves these three impressions.
" First not to demand, not to interfere, not to possess - to LET be; second,
to cherish, to liberate to suffer to unfold - to let BE."
In those words I see though somewhat withheld the notion of nurturing
" He now felt toward her as he had never felt before before towards her or
anyone else. There was nothing personal in this feeling - he wanted nothing
from her for himself - he only wished that she might not remain as she now
was, that she might awaken again and become what she had once been." Tolstoy,
In those words I see not just a woman but a more universal affection toward
the possibility of what become becomes;-)
And the last footnote to the page is J Middleton Murry's On Love Human and
" We cannot love them (loved ones) until we let them go. We may be required -
so hard is it for us to learn our lessons of love - to let them go in death;
it is because we could not let them go before. Only that loved creature is
taken from us, whom we cannot let go, because only thus could we learn to
love her or love him."
I just turned the page over to see what followed. It's a new chapter
entitled, TRUTHFULNESS. It says that love is truth.
Andrew Campbell
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