Replying to LO27449 --
Dear Organlearners,
Paula Bartholome <> writes:
>Enough about me, on to the inquiry.
Greetings Paula,
Thank you for the introduction. Your four beliefs are vital. They also
tell me something of your personality. This makes it far easier to respond
to you. We all hope that you will become a regular contributor to our
>If you were going to introduce a group of adult
>learners to the concept of organizational learning in
>a 10-week course titled:
> Introduction to Organizational Learning:
> Principles and Practices
>..what would absolutely, positively have to be covered
>in the class?
I wish to remind you that the W(ay) in which topics are covered are just
as important as the W(hat) topics should be covered.
I myself would make very sure that every member of the group experiences
an intellectual emergence (metamorphosis) within the first day. With that
experience I will then guide them through the complexity of emergent
learning, using a few topics of the course I want to work through. Only
afterwards would I focus on the What of course itself.
We have discussed the past couple of months Goethe's concept of
"Steigerung". Your course will be successful when every member of that
group afterwards can exclaim with joy: "I now have an idea of what
Steigerung is". "Steigerung" is intellectual emergences linked together in
fractal (zig-zag) path.
What I definitely would avoid in any course of creativity or any of its
emergent outcomes like learning or leadership, is rote learning --
disseminate a topic to the group, make sure that they remember it and then
find applications for that topic. When it works, it works because they
have gained experiences by finding applications, not because they have
imported disseminated information into their mind.
>Any and all comments are most welcome!
>And again, thank you for all the insights and
>stimulating discussions you've provided.
I do hope you get comments on the W(hat). Bear in mind that the five LO
disciplines (personal mastery, team learning, mental models, shared vision
and systems thinking) each defines a number of important topics.
With care and best wishes
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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