Kicking Things Abound ;-) LO27491

From: AM de Lange (
Date: 11/01/01

Replying to LO27478 --

Dear Organlearners

Andrew Cambell < > writes:
on something which I wrote some time ago:

>>Einstein immediately IMAGINED that the collisions
>>of the unobservable small water molecules might be
>>responsible for the observable erratic motion of the
>>pollen grains on water. From the unobservable molecular
>>side >he then IMAGINED just how much and in what
>>manner they would kick the pollen grains around. He
>>then made calculations to predict properties of the
>>observable motion of the pollen grains, for example how
>>far a pollen would travel before changing the direction
>>of its motion. These predictions were amazingly correct.
>Mmmmmmmmm ; -)
>At, learners, I must apologise to you ;-) ...for capitalising
>the word IMAGINATION. I appreciate that the change
>alters the spareness in the wholeness of what your writing
>conveyed in both the smaller and larger domains both the
>invisible and visible.
>You know, sometimes reading here breaks my heart and
>numbs my mind...why is that?

Greetings dear Andrew,

It is like that because you have cultivated your imagination from
childhood like Einstein and Faraday did to see the importance of little
things in addition to big things stressing their importance.

[Thanks Alfred for calling me just at the right point of time.]

Although we should have thought of all 7Es, I want to keep it short. Think
of sureness ("identity-contextuality"). As the identity of a society
boasting of its strength get sheared from its context in which the little
things are, important because of their weakness, the contextless identity
leads that society into a suicidal cultism. Such an immensely impaired
sureness causes all the other six 7Es to become seriously impaired too. No
matter how eager that society will try to repair, for example, its
wholeness, it will move from less to greater fragmentation.

Einstein and Farady knew why they had to stay humble and gentle. Without
it they would have lost their sureness and thus their power of

With care and best wishes


At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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