Hi all
I have been lurking on this list for some time now, and have come to
appreciate the wisdom and the passion members have for developing and
fostering learning organization concepts.
Now it is my turn to make a request of the group. I am co-chairing a
planning team organizing a Professional Development Day for our campus staff
of over 250 instructors, management and support staff. We deliver
technical-vocational training and adult basic education programs.
The organization is in the beginning stages of adapting and moving to
implement a Quality Learning Organization process. Our planning committee
has developed a theme of "Learning Together"
Our problem or challenge is attempting to find a keynote speaker to tie QLO
and our theme together in a thought provoking and entertaining fashion.
Obviously there are budgetary constraints. Can anyone recommend or suggest
names and contact information of such a talent? We would prefer the person
to be Canadian because of the cost factors involved.
Thank you
Don Horncastle
Education Counsellor
Counselling Services
Student Affairs and Services
SIAST Woodland Campus
Technical Centre
P. O. Box 3003
Prince Albert, Sk.
S6V 6G1
--"Horncastle, Don" <HORNCASTLE@siast.sk.ca>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <Richard@Karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>
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