Make yourself empty LO27498

From: AM de Lange (
Date: 11/02/01

Dear Organlearners,

Greetings to all of you.

A few days ago on another list somebody writing from Australia used the
term "go walkabout". The Aborigens of Australia were considered as
unreliable workers by the European settlers because, often when they were
needed most, they would just disappear into the wild, arid outback.

After several days they would come back believing that they did nothing
wrong. Those who could express themselves a little bit in English would
then say "I go walkabout".

I find it interesting that at least one other continent the same thing
happened and is still happening to a small extend. It is the in the
western part of Southern Africa where its many deserts and semi- eserts
are. The peoples who lived here before white settllers called themselves
the Xhoi. The setllers called them Hottentots. There were several Xhoi
nations of which only the Nama still exists, mostly in southern Namibia.

The Namas are friendly people, full of fun and ready to socialise. But
like in every nation, conflict between some person and the rest of the
community will build up. At some stage the person, thoroughly fed up with
it all, will dissapear from that community to dwell alone in the desert
for a couple of days -- to "go walkabout". The person will then come back
as if nothing happened, good natured once again. The community will be
happy too, accepting the person as if nothing happened.

However, the Namas call it something else. If I still remember it
correctly, they say x'hobba.

The x'h is a click sound made with the back part of the tongue whereas the
xh is made with thee fron part of the tongue. Try saying it by pronouncing
the English word closet while clicking the back part of the tongue between
the c and l. When you succeed in making that deep click, then try saying

This word means literally "make empty". The Namas mean to make oneself
empty of frustration, anger and depression by going alone into the desert.
The desert has a wonderful medicine which we call harmony to heal the
spirit once again. I believe it is much more effective than a "head
doctor". I have experienced this healing effect self many times.

It is now some 2 months since the tragic events on 11/09/2001. Such
terrible events will cause conflicts in communities because many people
will have different, but strong opnions on it. This is natural.
Consequently many Americans have build up frustration, anger and
depression. This is also natural. It is just as natural to find a way of
making yourself empty of these spiritual disturbances. What is unnatural
is to do nothing about them.

So please, "go walkabout" or "x'hobba" as soon as possible. Otherwise, go
and consult a psychiatrist.

With care and best wishes


At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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