2nd-Generation Knowledge Management Revisited LO27516

From: Mark W. McElroy (mmcelroy@vermontel.net)
Date: 11/06/01


To the many dozens of you who requested copies of my earlier paper on
"Second-Generation Knowledge Management" two years ago, I thought you
might appreciate seeing an evolved view of the topic as presented by me at
the annual KM World event last week in California. It's a downloadable
pdf file consisting of a Powerpoint slide set located on my own web site.
It can be found at:


Please feel free to grab a copy.



[Host's Note: Thanks, Mark, for this update. For those interested, see
Mark's message of August 1999 with links to the earlier paper
http://www.learning-org.com/99.08/0082.html ..Rick]


"Mark W. McElroy" <mmcelroy@vermontel.net>

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