Replying to LO27525 --
Dear Organlearners,
Gavin Ritz <> writes:
>For those who are interested in form and structure
>in organizations and nature here is some really
>interesting stuff of the Fibonacci numbers, golden
>mean and structure.
Greetings dear Gavin,
Yes, these Fibonacci numbers and the golden mean occur even in living
organisms. As soon as indentical things have to be packed upon any shape
having a circular section, the Fibbonaci numbers play a role. Examples are
the the cone of a pine tree, the seeds in a sunflower or even the warts on
a succulent plant. The packing are always in two spirals, the one turing
left and the other one turning right. If there are, say 13 spirals to the
left, then there will be either 8 or 21 spirals to the right.
I have used the Fibonacci numbers many times to make sure that two plant
species which seems to be the same, are actually two different species.
Then I just begin to search for a morphological feature with which the two
species can easily be distinguished. Sooner or later such a feature will
be found.
>[Host's Note: Yes... this does look interesting.
>As usual on the LO list, items may be of interest
>to some and not all. I was completely unaware
>of any relationship between Fibonacci numbers
>and the golden proportions. Thanks, Gavin. ..Rick]
Rick, the important thing to remember about both Fibonacci numbers and the
golden mean is how harmony is achieved when regular wholes have to be
joined in a geater regular whole. I think that in any Learning
Organisation there has to be a deep sensitivity to harmony.
The word harmony comes from the Greek word "harmonia" which they used for
pleasing music. It is derived from the word "harmos" which refers to any
joint. The very reason why we create organisations is to join people
together. Sadly, many have not learned how to do it harmoniously.
With care and best wishes
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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