This is the third year that I am collecting data on courses in Knowledge
Management and Knowledge Management Systems. The URL for last years'
results is
and will remain the same for this year's results, which will be posted in
a few weeks.
This year I am also trying to locate courses that are offered in areas
related to KM, in particular those that deal with learning in
organizations from a strategy, organizational theory, or organizational
behaviour perspective. By developing a central resource for teaching in
these broad and overlapping areas, we might all benefit by pooling our
perspectives as a first step towards establishing a consistent curriculum.
If you teach a learning or knowledge-management related course that
focuses on any of these perspectives, could you please reply to me at with the following details:
1) URL of your syllabus that we can link to (or alternately, attach the
syllabus in document form)
2) The target audience: Undergrad, MBA, MSc/PhD, Executive audience.
3) The main topics covered in your course.
4) If you are using one or more textbooks as the core of your course, please
indicate briefly title and authors.
Thanks in advance for your participation.
Peter H. Gray
Queen's University School of Business
Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6
Phone: 613-533-6000 x78002
Fax: 613-533-6847
--"Peter Gray" <>
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