Audit of a Learning Organisation LO27554

From: Rol Fessenden (
Date: 11/16/01

Replying to LO27530 --


I have two minds on this. On the one hand, it seems that a process
evaluation such as the SA... evaluations would be useful. On the other
hand, I have seen too many of these be used mechanically and in a
manipulative fashion so as to avoid the end result while appearing to work
toward it. What are your thoughts on this?


>Dave Mather raises a very good question. My own view is that the most
>useful approach to conducting an audit for OL to is to focus on the
>health of the conditions responsible for learning. Those of you familiar
>with me and my company will know that we have formalized a methodology
>for just this purpose. We call it the 'policy synchronization method.'

>Our entire method is predicated on the view that collective learning is
>an emergent process. This makes OL difficult to directly manage, much
>less control. But what we can do is directly manage the conditions in
>which collective learning occurs. By focusing on enhancing these
>conditions, we can indirectly improve organizational learning. We call
>the environment of intest here the 'knowledge operating system' of an


"Rol Fessenden" <>

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