Dear Learners,
Andrew Campbell wrote,
"I do understand that some 20 million American's for example are busy
working seventy hours plus a week to pay the mortgage and their medical
and educational they, I suppose, have little 'spare time' to
play in the two worlds LO or otherwise 'real' and 'unreal'? "
"Significant change will require imagination, perseverance, dialogue, deep
caring, and a willingness to change on the part of millions of people." -
" -- pushing us to new views of leadership based on new principles. These
challenges cannot be met by isolated heroic leaders. They will require a
mix of different people, in different positions, who lead in different
ways." Senge
Part of this dynamic field will owe its authentic emergence to what Senge
called "Internal Networkers" who exercise that Zen like quality of "No
power as power."
"Nothing happens without personal transformation." Dr. W. Deming ;-)
" --we need to surmount the limitations of our medium, both individually
and collectively." Rick Karash July 1996.
This is a heuristic enterprise. The search for original things and
experiences. This requires a subtle approach does it knot;-)..
Look, see, imagine, dream, wake, reflect, create ;-)
Spending longer with first order experiences can get us through the blind
"How much correspondence is there between angels seen from this angle and
the forms which we give to our thoughts?" AM de Lange
"Every question is loaded with some vital information...'diavaso' in Greek
means 'learning' in English. "dia" (through) "vaso" (seeing)...seeing
through blind spots...;-) And then At's creationed word "Symgnosis"
(knowing together) is to learning-org what "symbiosis" is to natured
Andrew Campbell
--Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>
"Learning-org" and the format of our message identifiers (LO1234, etc.) are trademarks of Richard Karash.