Replying to LO27519 --
Dear Winfried,
I think that I understand your point.
> What if "weakness" is not an attribute of the person but an expression of
> misfit of member (system) and organization (surrounding). Then by
> protecting the "weak member" this member becomes the victim of a
> surrounding denying the misfit and attributing the weakness to the member
> alone, thus stablizing the weakness as a role, which may act like a
> doublebind (together with all sorts of "help" to improve) to this poor
> member. No protection would respect the self responsibility of the member
> as a person and allow for a new attempt of his/her "strength matching"
> (thanks for this Don) in another context.
Interpreted in my own words, you mean: "Is protection of the weakest
members not a risk that weakness is accentuated?" and "What kind of
protection could avoid such accentuation?"
If I reason from a theoretical/abstract position, then answers to the
above questions could be sought in the available free energy of the
weakest. Apparently the internal degree of organization within the weakest
in respect to the surroundings is not enough (that is why it is the
I guess that the way to protect the weakest must be sought in giving the
time and keeping patience for digestive conditions. Thus the weakest could
reorganise and grow. This growing process must come from inside the
weakes. The smallest 'pressure' from the surroundings is already enough to
kill the weakest.
I was thinking of the acorn. When this fruit transforms itself into a baby
oak tree using it's free energy, the new born is very weak. A drunken man
walking on the new born will kill it; and since there is no acorn anymore,
the complete new life is destroyed. But if there is enough time to grow,
there will be a strong oak tree, strong enough to withstand even the
collision of a drunken car driver.
I hope I was clear.
I think that in communities the problem of 'strength matching' is mainly a
problem of too much pressure from the surroundings.
dr. Leo D. Minnigh
Library Technical University Delft
PO BOX 98, 2600 MG Delft, The Netherlands
Tel.: 31 15 2782226
Let your thoughts meander towards a sea of ideas.
--Leo Minnigh <>
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