Replying to LO27579 --
Whilst I hope that you get some suggestions for finding a suitable person
to help with get started I would like to suggest and parallel route.
Get together the 12-15 people that you mention are interested in changing
things. Have an all day meeting planning and agreeing what actions they can
take with will improve/change things.
I suggest that you do this as well as or instead of getting someone in.
Having someone help you with the core skills will be valuable and you
probably have more of these skills within the organisation than you
realise. The barrier is often getting started.
So get together and get started - help each other to overcome barriers,
learn along the way.
Keep track of what you are learning and what you are trying to achieve so
that you are able to continuously review progress.
Good luck and you will find this list is a wonderful support mechanism.
Ian Saunders
Transition Partnerships
'Harnessing change for business advantage'
01488 648278 (Ian Saunders)
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