Multicultural Organizational Learning LO27596

From: AM de Lange (
Date: 11/28/01

Replying to LO27576 --

Dear Organlearners,

Begum Verjee <> writes:

>I am new on this discussion group. I'm looking
>for resources of multicultural organizational learning
>and development, particularly in higher education.
>Any information in this area would be appreciated.

Greetings Begum,

Welcome to our LO-dialogue.

Tell us a little bit of yourself when you have the time. The usual practice
is to give the subject (topic) the name "Intro".

You can hunt for information on the internet by usuing
Google's advance search engine. Its URL is:
< >
Type in the second window
   multicultural learning
and in the third window
   organisation organization
(because there is two spelling possibilities). I did it and got
991 hits.

This is so much hist that it will take me several weeks to work through all
of them. To reduce them in manner which will suite your point of view, type
keywords in the top window.

I myself, for example, will type in:
This then gives 601 hits -- still too much. Should I have rather
typed in:
which is another important issue, it gives me 163 hits. This will
take a couple of days to work trhough. But should I want to
reduce them even more, I will type in:
   language creativity
This gives 132 hits.

Anybody who wants to make a success of any kind of learning,
but who is insensitive to wholeness, is in my opinion wasting free
energy and time. Thus I personally will also type in
   language creativity wholeness
This gives 4 hits. Huh? Did anyone of you fellow learners expect
that? Try
   language wholeness
This gives 7 hits. Hmmm. Try
   creativity wholeness
This gives 6 hits. Wow! Try only
This gives 7 hits. (Wisteling) "phoi-phew". Here is definitely
a weekness.

Wholeness is essential to creativity. Should it be essential to learning
too? If it is, then what about multicultural learning?

>Begum Verjee, M.Ed.
>Women Students' Office
>1203-1874 East Mall, Brock Hall
>The University of British Columbia

Once you have used Google's advance search engine to pinpoint a weekness,
the next step will be to search in the paper libraries for any literature
on that topic. Our own university library usually reflects what Google also

But in the case of multicultural learning it would not. South Africa has
been a multicultural society already for many centuries. Thus a lot of
research had been done on its various cultures and how they influenced each
other, even during the era of apartheid. Politics and academics are not the
same creature ;-) It is a pity that this wealth of information is not
available in cyberspace.

With care and best wishes


At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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