Responding to Ray Evans Harrell in LO27716 --
I agree; relying on "less deference to authority figures" places too much
of a burden on those subject to those authority figures. What's missing
in the corporate world is a set of checks and balances that imposes real
accountability on the folks at the top. Essentially, they are unchecked
and, unless the legal authorities catch them in shenannigans, there is no
mechanism for calling them to account.
>From: "Ray Evans Harrell" <>
>Subject: Accounting and Economics LO27716
>Replying to LO27698 --
> >Less deference to authority figures would be very helpful.
> >
> > Rol
>This seems to me to be speaking too much for the responsibility of the
>powerless. The people who seem to have lost in this tragedy would have
>been adversely impacted, all the way around, if they had resisted the
>pressure. It seems that the problem is more systemic in that there are
>insufficient safeguards against illegal and at the very least immoral acts
>that will eventually endanger the whole system. People incapable of
>dealing from the long term and with little empathy for their fellow human
Fred Nickols
"Assistance at A Distance"
--Fred Nickols <>
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