holism, a product LO27763

From: Leo Minnigh (l.d.minnigh@library.tudelft.nl)
Date: 02/05/02

Replying to LO27725 --

Dear Barry,

Thank you for your enthousiasm. Your reply indicates for me that a slight
change of view could held in a better feeling.

> Your observation came to me after reading a considerable breadth of
> contributions to our list.

Yes, the risk of this list is that reading time consumes thinking time :-)

As a result of your simple definition, you
> engendered in me a deep warmth, because I connected strongly to the notion
> of a balance of parts. For many decades of my adult life, I have believed
> like some others that life at a certain level is the act of balancing
> three centers of being: emotional, intellectual and physical. For me most
> of the time these are not in balance. But there are moments when they are.
> Such moments are sublime and almost indescribable. I leave it to Rumi's
> poetry to express fluidly what such balance provokes in the whole soul.

That is beautifully said!

Barry, I think you realise that balancing these three centres (emotional,
intellectual en physical) implies also the environment, the surroundings.

And that is for me a most important side effect of 'balancing': one will
get an eye for wholeness.

> Thank you for your thoughts.

Thank you too.

dr. Leo D. Minnigh
Library Technical University Delft
PO BOX 98, 2600 MG Delft, The Netherlands
Tel.: 31 15 2782226
        Let your thoughts meander towards a sea of ideas.


Leo Minnigh <l.d.minnigh@library.tudelft.nl>

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