Breaking a Taboo LO27777

Date: 02/07/02

Replying to LO27765 --

Hello Eric and Hello Leo,

I hope you two will get *together*.

We have a small coal fire here that heats the whole house, it is a little
discipline of ours: like walking without *souls* under our feet on
concrete that we wake most often even up to even in the
coldest days to no heating in the house. Slowly it does warm up but not
through the flames of our small fireplace. No. But just a few days ago,
maybe it was yesterday I had no wood with which to start the fire in the
evening. And then I saw the wood I needed, it was the handle of the axe I
had used for splitting the wood before. So I took the handle of the axe,
broke it into parts and used that as firewood. It was sufficient. I don't
want to say anything else about that except that the entire doing of this
became the very strangest of experiences. As if something had died. As if
something had come back to life. As if I had broken a taboo, a gestalt.

Love to Eric and Leo

> Yes, this was precisely what I had in mind. As a matter of fact I was
> thinking of a real old fashioned balance as metaphor: on one side the
> system, on the other side the surroundings (the 'rest').
> I even extended this metaphor, or better said this imagination. In this
> imagination it was me who stands on one side of this balance and thinking
> of the things that were on the other side :-) But also I was thinking of
> the 'mobile', that thing that you sometimes can find in children's rooms:
> several arms connected to eachother, all in balance. It gave me a
> 'feeling' of wholeness.


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