Dear At,
> >I pray thee: But do forth ever more and more,
> >so that thou be ever doing.
> Yes, yes, yes. Let us become increasingly sensitive to liveness
> ("becoming-being").
Yes, yes, yes.
Love, love, love.
I have been with another Martin Luther today, he called out in the
fields;-) He must have been close by;-) I think it was Bucket he wished
to come closer to. We spoke about this and that and he told me how
important it is to remain cheerful. He commented on his dog, who was
somehow with him still , but why not? "Look," he said, " how cheerfully he
wags his tail though he doesn't know k(no)w where his next meal is coming
from, and look at the pure trust he has in his environment." As he said
this he was rubbing his ears and stroking his head in small circular
movements. He stormed off, but before doing so I inquired of him. "Martin,
what is his name? " Tolpel" he said. "What does that mean?" "Oh, yes, it
means 'little fool'".
Yes, yes, yes.
Love, love, love.
As he walked away he picked up a tiny flower arisen from the soil and
began singing to the sun.
Love, love, love
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