Impact of Globalization LO27810

From: chris macrae (
Date: 02/11/02

Replying to LO27797 --

I am not going to be an apologist for global companies. I think they have
got many of their social obligations all wrong. And I wonder if any of
them has made that 'system connect' with 9/11.

I would like to hear of any global social initiatives people can point to
me which inspire them. Do you even have one being led by a global 1000
company? The only one I like is

Equally, could we also separate which aspects of your case actually were
in the first instance not to do woith globalisation but the extreme
localisation of a disconnected soviet economy. Isnt it dangerous using a
term as if you are polarising good from bad, if the truth is that both
extremeties of the term are awful?

chris macrae,

Rejoicing in People

ps whilst on league table, we're also interested to hear which social
responsibility communities you rate as top - eg (Business for
Social Responibility)

> Almost five years ago I visited northwestern Russia, specifically, the
> cities of St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk, Novgorod, Vladimir, Tver and
> Moscow. Just a few months before the economic collapse, the countryside
> around most all these cities left a sorrowful impression on me. Ben and
> Jerry's popular ice cream available from street vendors in Moscow. And log
> houses on the outskirts of Tver with mud streets, no sewage, a woodcut
> from 1848. Further north, factories closed, skeletal villages where hardly
> a person could be seen.


"chris macrae" <>

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