Dear LO friends:
My name is Hsin-Chih Chen (Albert). I am currently pursuing my PhD degree in
Human Resource Development (HRD) at Louisiana State University. I recently
join a none-for-profit research project leaded by two university faculties,
Dr. Reid Bates of Louisiana State University and Dr. Tim Hatcher of
University of Louisville. The purpose of this message is to invite your
participation of filling out an online survey. The general objectives of
this research are to:
* Empirically identify and describe a set of latent constructs that
represent fundamental values about the HRD process.
* Create a quantifiable description of how HRD scholars (students,
academicians and researchers) and practitioners believe the process of
human resource development should be viewed.
* Investigate how individual differences in cultural orientation, gender,
age and other factors influence HRD values such as affiliation with
professional or academic associations.
We believe this research will help to more fully illuminate the worldview
from which individual HRD professionals operate, the values framing
individual research and practice, and how these values vary along a number
of dimensions. It will also lay the foundation for future values-related
research examining such questions as how individual differences values are
related to differences in the organizational practice of HRD
professionals, and how the value priorities of HRD professionals in an
organization influence the perceived value, status, or expected outcomes
from HRD. The survey you will complete is anonymous. But in an effort to
exercise some control over who participates in the research we are
providing an Entry Code you will need to input in the appropriate space on
the survey in order to respond. The CODE is 2222. Please note that we
would like you to respond to all sections of the survey. Completing it
will take about 35 minutes of your time. Unfortunately, we do not have
the capability to allow you to complete part of the survey and return at
another time to complete the remaining portions. So please try to respond
to all of the items. We hope you will find the survey interesting,
relevant to your work, and a valuable opportunity to reflect on your HRD
values and organizational practice. We greatly appreciate your
participation and THANK YOU in advance for your time and attention.
The survey can be accessed at (Please note the
ENTRY CODE is 2222)
With Best Regards,
Hsin-Chih Chen (Albert)
Human Resource Development
School of Human Resource Education and Workforce Development
Louisiana State University
--"HC Albert Chen" <>
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