Central Notions... Challenges... LO27841

From: Tony Kortens (tony@tkortens.com)
Date: 02/14/02

Replying to LO27828 --

>Who are the most responsible people who DISAGREE with the organizational
>learning field? Who are the challengers to these ideas?

Rick - this is a great question - and a great learning question and one
that might free us from our own ideological stance - as you suggest.

A couple of excellent sources which explore the value of and the
limitations of the learning approach are the classics (IMO) Gareth
Morgan's Images of Organization (2nd Ed) within which he specifically
examines the metaphor of organization as brain (and learning system) with
inherent advantages and limitations.

The other, which i truly relish - is Strategy Safari, by Henry Mintzberg
et al, which detailes pro's and con's of the learning approach to
strategy, strategic thinking and strategic management.

Both very enlightening.

Hope this helps.

Tony Kortens.


Tony Kortens <tony@tkortens.com>

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