Dear Colleagues,
Please find below a research request from Steve Kurtz pf The Development
Committee for The Global Systems Centre.
This is a project of The Canadian Association for the Club of Rome.
Those interested in the global probelematique of environment, ecology,
sustainable development and related themes will find this of interest.
Steve Kurtz and his colleagues request tour assistance in providing
Ken Friedman
----- Original Message -----
Research request
Please reply to:
If you teach or work for an educational institution, or if you are well
informed about the course offerings of a college or university department
relating to the environment, ecology, sustainable development and the
like, a brief reply [offlist] would be much appreciated. I realize that
there may be more grassroots and informal organizations addressing this
issue (than formal ones), but the point of this survey is to examine the
state of affairs in formal institutions. Negative replies are as important
as positive ones!
The Development Committee for "The Global Systems Centre", a project of
The Canadian Association for the Club of Rome,
needs guidance as to the extent that whole-systems or macro approaches to
the Global Problematique are being taught. Here's what we need:
Name (preferred; will be kept confidential) and location of the
institution (will accept location only)
Undergraduate or Graduate curriculum?
Program title or Department (ex.: envir studies, ecological economics,
human ecology,...)
Approximate number of courses that relate to the macro approach to
The Global Problematique (The words "Global Problematique" need not
be used)
Approximate number of years that this approach has been used
Thanks for your input.
Steve Kurtz
"Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a
finite world is either a madman or an economist." - Kenneth Boulding
--Ken Friedman <>
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