Dear At, Dear Rol and all Dear Learners,
A few weeks ago I was playing with superluminality and one outcome;-) was
what i called a "Trojan Horse" . So it was a Trojan Horse with not
quotation marks;-) a few days ago I tripped over the pavement and read
this..."Superluminal quantum connectedness seems to be, on the surface
(HaHa Ah ha Ahhhhhhh Mmmmmmmmmm.) at least"....blah blah blah.....In this
sense psychic (aka spiritual aka non-local ((?)) phenomena may exist. "In
this sense Bel's theorem (theorworm) is a Trojan horse in the physicist's
camp...providing the mathematical framework for discussing what they do
not believe exists." Of course in/on thereabout this stairway to heaven
(lower case 'h') "At our level of reality, the correlated wave function
(hello<> goodbye) of the photon pair --carries order from beyond space and
time -- Every step up to a newer level of reality is a step to a new
higher order - that is the definition of a level of reality. In this sense
the Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen effect is the basic structuring principle of
our multilevel, hierarchical reality, ie., the wave function
(goodbye><hello) of events which are SEPARATE on one level of reality are
correlated at the next level up; so called separate events at THAT level
are, in turn, correlated at the next level up and so on."
Rol my dear friend, you once gave me a vision that brought me here. In my own
nonsense I am offering the presentness of my precise standingunder which I
myself do not understand being far to far down the ladder. But that which you
cannot envision in it's nonenvisionedness may become that which you say you
seek because of the saying itself. It is what you cannot see...IT IS HERE.,
NOW. Creationinginuncreationing. Bohm: Thus one is led to a new notion of
unbroken wholeness which denies the classical idea of analyzability of the
world into separately and independently existent parts...."
A Kind of Family...
Well, that's my lesson learned from Wu Li dancing today.
Just seen a spinning tree with many twigs...must go...will return
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