Design Research News LO27887

From: Ken Friedman (
Date: 02/21/02

The Design Research Society invites you and your colleagues to sign up for
a free subscription to the international monthly newsletter, Design
Research News.

Design Research News is a free, monthly email newsletter with information
on design and design research. DRS publishes the newsletter as a
professional and educational service. It is edited by Dr. David Durling,
director of the Advanced Research Institute of the Staffordshire
University School of Art and Design. It is distributed through the UK
academic email facility, JISCMAIL.

Design Research News publishes information on:

* projects,
* exhibitions,
* conferences,
* funding,
* competitions,
* articles,
* books

for an international audience of experts in design research, design
practice, and design education.

DRN covers all areas of design. Fields and subject areas include:

* industrial design,
* architecture,
* systems design,
* sustainable design,
* product design,
* information design,
* graphic design,
* design management,
* psychology,
* CAD,
* ergonomics,
* design history,
* philosophy of design,
* design theory,
* computer science,
* engineering,
* art,
* informatics, and
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Ken Friedman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Leadership and Strategic Design
Department of Knowledge Management
Norwegian School of Management

Visiting Professor
Advanced Research Institute
School of Art and Design
Staffordshire University


Ken Friedman <>

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