Replying to LO27914 --
Dear At,
One aspect of the becoming of sacredness comprises the linkage between our
soul/sole presence and and our personal reality.
Recall the sonnet of Borges, "Poem Written in a Copy of Beowulf" in which
his own blindness ("night came down") becomes my own--Barry's--mortality
considered from the vantage point of 55 years. He writes:
At various times, I have asked myself what reasons
moved me to study, while my night came down,
without particular satisfaction,
the language of the blunt-tongued Anglo-Saxons.
Used up by the years, my memory
loses its grip on words that I have vainly
repeated and repeated. My life in the same way
weaves and unweaves its weary history.
Then I tell myself: it must be that the soul
has some secret, sufficient way of knowing
that it is immortal, that its vast, encompassing
circle can take in all, can accomplish all.
Beyond my anxiety, beyond this writing,
the universe waits, inexhaustible, inviting.
My eyes, dear At, fill with tears again as I read this. Now, sometimes I
think that my inattentiveness and poor intention prevent me from grasping
the intricacies of your and others' profound thinking; that I look for an
"easier" translation into the heart and soul of life learning, and such a
translation derives from the less scientific, vaguer, less describable
connections I make with life.
There is an octave leading to a heaven of indescribable light/enlightenment.
Play your notes, At. They are sacred in their own write.
-- Barry Mallis The Organizational Trainer 110 Arch St., #27 Keene, NH 03431-2167 USA voice: 603 352-5289 FAX: 603 357-2157 cell: 603 313-3636 email: theorgtrainer@earthlink.netLearning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>
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