a new handbook LO27946

From: Tony Barrett (ambarrett@adelphia.net)
Date: 03/06/02

Dear fellow learner,

I recently came across a outstanding new book entitled: Handbook of
Organizational Learning and Knowledge. 2001. Eds Meinolf, Antal, Child,
and Nonaka. Oxford University Press: New York

This 979 page sweeping work is chock-full full of thoughtful articles and
references. It has a steep price of $95 US dollars (only in hard cover as
yet); however, for the serious student of OL, the price is not all that
outrageous, especially given the price of text books in the last few

For a taste, you can go to:

Amazon has it a


One might think that I am expecting royalties checks for all this praise.
I wish. I do expect the writing of my dissertation will go smoother with
volume by my side. Perhaps in few years one can get a copy on www.half.com

Warm regards from a snowy northern Idaho.


Tony Barrett
University of Idaho


"Tony Barrett" <ambarrett@adelphia.net>

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