Replying to LO27925 --
Dear Friends,
Andrew Campnona mentions a Zen story
Here is the original story, taken from a 1959 translation of a classic Zen
Not the Wind, Not the Flag
Two monks were arguing about a flag.
One said: "The flag is moving."
The other said: "The wind is moving."
The sixth patriarch happened to be passing by.
He said: "Not the wind, not the flag; mind is moving."
-- Mu-Mon
The text is taken from The Gateless Gate by Mu-Mon.
It was transcribed by Nyogen Senzaki and Paul Reps.
The English translation of The Gateless Gate is included
in Zen Flesh, Zen Bones compiled by Paul Reps.
Best regards,
--Ken Friedman, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Leadership and Strategic Design Department of Leadership and Organization Norwegian School of Management
Visiting Professor Advanced Research Institute School of Art and Design Staffordshire University
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