Replying to LO27941 --
Dear At,
You wrote to me this:
> Barry, my writings cannot be made sacred because then people would easily
> either become too afraind to question these writings or to denounce them
> without even questioning them.. It is those things which I write about
> which have become sacred to me. I merely tried to tell how this "sacred
> becoming" happens for me.
Not at the level you describe above do I find the sacred in some of your
thoughts and those of others.
I agree: we humans can become sheep listening to the hypnotic tunes of an
evil shepherd -- or reading them. For even insightful minds, the human
condition creates pressures or filters which obscure--yes, obscure--the
"deepest," the most "sacred" meaning. And that is somewhere in the
infinity of Love.
But you are wrong to think that your words cannot engender the sacred in
me or anyone else. This sacredness is the process of synthesis among
emotional and soulful chemicals of the body. Simply, you catalyze. For
another person, you may not. This is true of every person who reads these
words I type. Some messages are mute, others speak, still others provoke,
educate, elucidate, propel to another octave of consciousness.
So be it.
My love to you, At,
--Barry Mallis <>
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