LOs, certification and metanoia LO27996

From: ACampnona@aol.com
Date: 03/18/02

Replying to LO27982 --

Dear At and dear fellow learners,

The sacred book of Islam.

Reminds me to say some three very simple things that I learned from my
friend Mohammed in Oxford. That the Prophet Muhammad delivered his
prophecies orally. That they commence with a command said three times,

Read, read, read. That the Prophet, finding a cat sleeping among the folds
of his clothes would wait for the cat to wake and rise before rising
himself. Through Mohammed I learned a charming custom of his culture,
which by the way in his case is not Arabic. When in a shop with him he
said, "Please, look around and take anything you want."

It is of course my intention to learn more about Islam.




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