Replying to LO27973 and LO27990 --
Dear At and Alfred,
I'm a bit lost here. Maybe it's very simple but am I just missing the
I thought Alfred's list
> >Do unto others
> >Do unto all others
> >Do unto all others unlike me/us etc......
very illustrative of how a well meant rule (or guideline - Winfried :) )
can create fragmentation.
But now you seem to agree that adding 'at least' is the next logical
step... So maybe you were thinking along a different path??
At de Lange:
> Allow me to introduce yet a new value with adding "at least" to
> his last value by using the 7E spareness ("quantity-limit")
> . Do unto all others unlike me "at least" ....
Or does 'at least' increase fragmentation as well?
Kind regards,
--Laura Peek <>
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