Replying to LO28002 --
Dear Organlearners,
Our host writes:
>[Host's Note: At, I had one concern about analyses
>like this... I believe that many organizations outside
>the US are using .com for their internet domain and
>not the or alternate form; your relative
>numbers should be OK, but I suspect you are missing
>some entries from each company. I have pretty much
>given up analyzing addresses on the LO list for this
>reason. ..Rick]
Greetings dear Rick,
I am sorry for this mistake. I ought to have mentioned it because there is
a way in which I pick up some of these South African organisations lost in
the .com culture. It is not fool proof and one has to work through many
hits before picking up an organisation based in South Africa. Do it as
follows by using Google's advance search engine.
Top window, add:-
South Africa
Second window, add:-
learning organisation
Domains left bottom, change the "Only" to:-
Domain right bottom, add:-
This gives some 1 010 hist, far more than the original 458 hits.
I also ought to have mentioned that Google might not find anything in its
database of something unusual which we are searching for. In that case we
have to be patient because next time when it sends its "spiders" to search
Internet, it will certainly search for this unusual request too.
Another thing which I can mentioned, is that Google accepts up to ten
entries (words, acronyms, codes, etc). The rest are ignored. So bear that
maximum of ten entries in mind because the rest will have no influence in
pruning the hits. But Google has provided for a back door to get out of
this difficulty. At the bottom of each page of hits there is the option
"search within results" next to the search button. Click on this option.
You will be given the opportunity to use additional key words.
With care and best wishes
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>
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