Preface of Chance. "Meaning enfolds the whole world into me, and
vice-versa, that enfolded meaning is unfolded as action, though my body
and then through the world. The word 'hormone' means 'messenger', that is,
a substance that carries some meaning. Neurotransmitters carry meaning,
and that meaning profuoundly affects the immune system. This understanding
could be the beginning of a different attitude to mind and life." David
Dear All LO friends past ***present*** and future
"A child learns his or her body of the other in the relations of free play
and total trust in body acceptance with his or her mother.
a child also acquires self and social awareness in his or her relations of
play with his or her mother, and develops the whole world he or she lives as
an expansion of his or her bodyhood. Let me summarize some basic elements of
the findings...
1. The structure of a child, its body, its nervous system, its immune
system ...., its whole bodyhood, changes following a course according to
the life that it happens to live.
2. A child is at every instance a total complete being in itself with its
own total requirements for its total realization, not a transit to become
an adult, even as he or she changes in the process of growing and becoming
an adult.
3. The way a child lives, the experiences to which he or she is exposed,
determines what kind of an adult he or she becomes as he or she will have
the structure as an adult that only permits him or her to reenact the
emotioning that he or she has lived.
4. A growing human child learns the doings that are possible to him or
her through his or her structure Homo sapiens , only as he or she is
exposed to the relational situations that bring them forth along his or
her upbringing.
5. As a child learns his or her body and the body of the others with whom
he or she lives, the child learns to live the psychic space that is
continuously created by the adults in the midst of which he or she lives.
In other words, as a child creates the world that he or she lives as an
expansion of his or her body, the child does so in the psychic space in
which he or she lives."
Today at 8.10 am gmt I drove past a field of sheep to my right, (north) as
I travelled westerly;-) and it was full of lambs, perhaps as many as
hundreds of lambs, ones'es two'ses the threedoms;-), though the threedoms
were scarcely apparent. A field of mothers and children and no fathers
that I saw. The light was too diffuse for shadows outwardly appearing.
The variety of expressions in that unity of fieldednesses.
And a little dog sits alone 'curled up' in the shroud, waiting for a soul
to transmigrate as the freeenergy releases sufficing powertobreakthrough
the walls of the containing elements, how many elements. Who is counting.
Unity<> Derivative of Splittings<>Fractal<>Tree of Life<>Whole
"Just because, at this stage (theatre<>bring forward) ego is not yet
conscious and free, flourishing in its own productions, but is only on the
threshold of those mental processes which shall presently dichotomize Self
and World the new world of signs must appear to the mind as something
absolutely, objectively real."
And a Golden rule in a Darkened room..what's the point of that? "There is
that force by which single meanings get split into separate and isolated
concepts and secondly that which we find given us, to start with (start
with mind you;-) as the nature of language itself at its birth. It is the
principle of living unity."
No need of a torch...the field was shot with flames.. I tell you then,
star like flames of green; a tokened chemistry powered and sufficed to
shake the ground 'til it broke and swallowed us up. "...not an empty root
meaning to shine, but the same definite (not infinite or finite but
definite) spiritual reality which was beheld on the one hand in what has
since then become pure human thinking; and on the other hand, in what has
since become physical light; ...not a metaphor;-), but a living figure."
Dear not become a Southern Star fixed in the heavens... as some
might adhere you to the darker regions. Have and create many omissions as
any painter might, space creation for a newer plenitude (how large is that
beating heart?) Sing and dance in the joys of a new found ambivalence, how
close is a happy and slaughtered lamb...but knot in His Field. Oh no and
Oh yes, Both/And to the end of any Kingdom come;-) Small shifts make
friends of joy and sorrow in a turning and delicate poised world of
awaiting metanoia.
Then star nor sun shall waken,
Nor any change of light:
Nor sound of waters shaken,
Nor any sound or sight:
Nor wintry leaves nor vernal;
Nor days nor things diurnal;
Only the sleep eternal
In an eternal night.
Appearance and disappearance conjoined in a dance of creation, a weaving
invisible of light from dark as each day appears anew. Is this not a
lullaby fit for a Lamb
Empathy. Mmmmmm.
And Pity, like a naked newborn babe,
Striding the blast, or Heaven's cherubim, hors'd
Upon the sightless couriers of the air,
Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye
That tears shall drown the wind.
Can we not 'ring' old silence into a new dawn.
"As a child learns his or her body and the body of the others with whom he
or she lives, the child learns to live the psychic space that is
continuously created by the adults in the midst of which he or she lives.
In other words, as a child creates the world that he or she lives as an
expansion of his or her body, the child does so in the psychic space in
which he or she lives."
Daan, so many tears, so many fields, so many lambs.
Daan, could you find, for US here, a new lamb in the desert :: Daan, are
lambs born to live in deserts
At, I just opened a book :spontaneous: and this is what it said, " The
sudden effects of pure time or perfect space that sometimes occur are
almost immediately merged again into the life of the dance."
Yes, indeed, the lambs were allandone dancing the dance.
A resurrection of kinds;-)
I said --
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