Organization Design Forum Conference LO28033

Date: 03/21/02

The Organization Design Forum announces the 2002 Annual Conference,
"Designing for Sustainability: Riding the Economic Roller Coaster". The
Organization Design Forum is a non-profit professional society dedicated
to the advancement of the theory and practice of organization design.

WHEN: April 28th through May 1st

WHERE: In Boulder, Colorado, at the scenic Boulderado Hotel in sight of
the majestic Rockies

For accomodations, call the hotel at 800/433-4344 and identify yourself as
an ODF participant

The Conference is structured to increase participants ability to identify
the issues, design choices and approaches that better able their
organizations to remain competitive in today's turbulent environment and
move beyond mere survival.

Among the confirmed speakers are:

 - Jay Galbraith of U.S.C.'s Center for Effective Organizations, who will
discuss designing "reconfigurable" organizations for flexibility and

 - Gary Frank and Paul Tolchinsky, Performance Development Associates, on
"The Strategy/Structure Connection: Designing to Operationalize

 - Julie Smith, CLG, presenting "Metrics: The Key to Behavioral Results
that Last."

Also featured are practical applications including design work at such
diverse organizations as the BBC News, United Airlines, and performing
arts groups such as Cirque du Soleil.

Please visit our site,, for more
information about the conference, travel arrangements and accomodations,
and why organization design is such a crucial aspect of sustainability
particularly in this age of economic uncertainty.

E. Craig McGee, Ph.D.


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