Replying to LO28053 --
ATtention dear readers,
Do not fail to notice that there is a point in The purpose of the
Universe. . (well, two to be precise; i'm referring to the end of The
Purpose of the Universe.). The Purpose of the Universe is to have an end.
The Purpose of this end is to have a point. The Purpose of a point is to
have a purpose. From there it is porpoises all the way down. I like to
have a dialogue on the Purpose of the Universe, because it gives a purpose
to the universe. People are not only self-referential animals, they can
have a dialogue about it too!
The Universe is fourfold: she has a purpose, a goal, a meaning and an
ethic ("how-to-live"). You've got to think for yourself. Take care,
AM de Lange wrote:
> Dear Organlearners /^^\,
> Daan Joubert <> writes in the
> Subject: The sound of one hand clapping LO28025
> >Trying to increase worth to the environment by
> >finding the best compromise between conflicting
> >needs and requirements of people in the environment
> >is not a one way street. The people of the system can
> >communicate and set example and otherwise influence
> >the way people in the environment think of and
> >perceive their relationship with the organisation. And
> >in this manner introduce change and lead change in a
> >direction that would benefit both the environment and
> >the organisation over the longer term
> Greetings dear Daan,
> Thank you very much for a thoughtful and beautiful contribution.
> If I understand you correctly, the purpose of a LO for you is to increase
> the worth of that LO. For another fellow learner it may be something else.
> After some time in the LO-dialogue we will have ended up with several
> purposes. This means that we have advanced in otherness
> ("quality-variety") on the purpose rather than on sureness
> ("identity-categoricity"). Both are two of the 7Es (seven essentialities
> of creativity).
> Each system (like the fly, gecko, falcon and succulent) in the universe
> seems to have its own purpose. Likewise the LO seems to have its own
> purpose too. But is there a common purpose to all these systems, including
> the LO? In other words, is there such a thing as the "Purpose of the
> Universe"? What is my purpose in asking these questions? Is it to sell
> the 7Es? Is it to become famous? No. I think that the universe does have a
> purpose and I want us to discover it. Knowing the "Purpose of the
> Universe" may help us to find out where we come from and where we are
> going to. Knowing the "Purpose of the Universe" may help us to become more
> sure of the "Purpose of the LO". Knowing the "Purpose of the Universe" may
> help us to free our hands to clap with joy because of experiencing
> metanoia.
> What do you think is the "Purpose of the Universe"?
> I think that the "Purpose of the Universe" have very much to do with how
> each of us experience the universe.
-- With kind regards - met vriendelijke groeten,Jan Lelie
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