It is time to be preparing for the
to be held at the annual Academy of Management Conference in August, 2002
[It] was the best part of the entire conference for me and I went back to
my home institution revitalized and armed with a strategy for improving my
research that kept me going for the entire year. -Workshop participant
Are you working on cognition-related research?
Would you like some help with problem-areas or some general feedback from
scholars in the field?
The Cognition in the Rough workshop provides an excellent opportunity to
discuss research that is in its formative stages in an informal, collegial
roundtable setting... with the added benefit of learning about other
cutting-edge research!
It was a defining moment in my life as an academic because for the first
time I felt connected to a broader academic community. -Workshop participant
Each roundtable will have 2-3 scholars and 2-3 researchers, allowing
plenty of time for discussion. Once again, we are pleased to have a good
turn-out of scholars joining us. Whether this is your first major
research project or your fifth, this is a chance you won't want to miss!
Sponsored by the Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division at the
annual Academy of Management meetings in Denver, CO, the workshop will be
held on Sunday, August 11th from 8:30 AM - 12 PM.
Details on submission can be found on the AOM website:
We look forward to seeing you in Denver!
I am a huge cognition in the rough booster! In fact I just sent out an
e-mail to all the students in my department telling them that the session
is the one I have found the most helpful and fun at the academy, and that
they should consider it. I have participated for the last two years, or
maybe three. I want to thank you and the others running this for the
effort you put in to such an excellent learning environment -Workshop
Jamie Callahan, Texas A&M University
Frank Schultz, Michigan State University
Luis Martins, University of Connecticut
Polly Silva, Virginia Tech
--Polly Silva <>
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