Replying to LO28641 --
Dear Organlearners,
Rene Post <> writes in reply to my:
>>In all our organisations! It is organisations which
>>caused the mess. It is organisations which will
>>have to clean up the mess.
>How does your suggestion relates to the well-known
>quote of Einstein who said,
>"The world that we have made as a result of the level
>of thinking we have done thus far creates problems that
> we cannot solve at the same level as they were created."
>("Ideas and opinions", by A. Einstein, Dell Publishing, NY, 1954)
Greetings dear Rene,
Thank you for pointing out this crucially important issue. I wish I had
the time to show through all his major discoveries how he came to this
valuable insight.
As for organisations, I think that this higher level of thinking needed is
acquired when the organisation emerges from an OO (Ordinary Organisation)
into a LO (Learning Organisation).
I have studied an OO here in Pretoria of which some 5% emerged into a
"tacit" LO. (This "tacit" means that I know it is a LO, but its members do
not know since they do not know of Senge's work.) That took a couple of
months. But it took another three years for the rest (80%) to emerge and
then to mature. At first things changed slowly in that organisation and
few problems could be solved. But after three years they have changed so
much that they now laugh excitedly that they could not have foreseen such
immense changes. Nevertheless, the problems which they have solved are
Most telling to me is how the "metanoia" of which Senge writes, abound in
this LO. It is for me indicative of the higher level of thinking.
With care and best wishes,
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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